Working with vaults requires the utmost care and attention by professionals trained in the industry to thoroughly plan and execute the task required, this could be for removing the complete walk in vault for disposal or removal of the vault for relocation, these tasks will require specialist tools and moving equipment not only for removal of the structure, but to transport the pieces to their new destination or for disposal. Our professional within our team can work in properties of all shapes and sizes utilising their specialist equipment, therefore if you are located in a multi level building, your ground floor premises is limited with access or contains awkward space, our specialists will plan a solution to work around any problems your building may contain.

Removal of Vault Doors and Fittings
Vault doors come in various sizes for instance it could be a vault door that belonged to a closed down bank, usually this is the case when the new owners are renovating the building it'll require removal, bank vault doors tend to be extremely heavy, requiring some careful planning prior to the work commences.
Relocation of Vault Doors and Fittings
Why would a vault door require relocating? This vault relocation service is required by businesses for example: Jewellers, if they are relocating to a new premises it's a likely case they'd like to relocate their walk in vault too, therefore it'll require professionals with the knowledge and specialist equipment to plan and execute successful relocation of the existing vault door and fittings.
Disposal of Vault Doors and Fittings
Ready to scrap your walk in vault? Or are you currently relocating your business to a new premises which houses an existing vault and would like it removed and disposed of? The specialists at the Budget Locksmiths Nottingham company can provide a removal and disposal service to fulfil the exact requirements of your individual business, a tailored package just for your company.
What equipment is used for vault removals?
This will depend on the size and type of vault that exists, it will require a mixture of specialist hand tools and cutting equipment that will be used specifically for dismantle or destruction, therefore this will be a case of the clients requirement, whether it's for relocating or disposal.
Whilst moving the vault parts and fittings, you can be assured that our specialists will use absolutely everything necessary to carefully handle and transport the pieces, therefore using protective materials and ratchets will stabilise accordingly. For moving the pieces our vault specialists may use forklift trucks or hand pallet trucks depending on the size and weight of the pieces.
Plan & Execute Vault Removal
Our vault specialists are fully insured, trained to the highest of standards and hold a wealth of knowledge ready to consult with you to efficiently plan and execute the tasks required, they will keep disruption to the absolute minimum so that it plays no effect on neighbouring businesses. Budget Locksmiths Nottingham remove vaults in Nottingham and Nation-wide.